Friday, September 26, 2008 12:37 PM
22 sep 2008 (mon) - 25 sep 2008 (thurs)
Tis week we need to do 4 days of fyp. We had to make a lot of samples for our sensory test. However, on our hand, we onli gt 1 mould. Each mould onli can make abt 28 pieces of chocolates. So we hv to do 3 times n each day we can onli do 1 time, therefore we needed 3 days to do.. Lol.. Tis is so waste time la..
We at first wanted to buy extra moulds, so we can do all in 1 day, but heard from carol tat 1 mould coz ard $30 n also, we can’t find the same pattern of mould. However, on the first day of fyp, we found 2 extra moulds in the lab n the pattern is totally the same.. Lol.. We were like so happy la, can save almost half of our time.
However, I tink wat we gain, we will loss sth. The first 2 days of our durian samples failed. Thn we can’t put in the durian filling. Ended up, we still hv to go for 3 days.. Hv extra moulds also no use.. Dotz..
Wedding Ceremony
Monday, September 22, 2008 11:29 AM
20 sep 2008 (sat)
Last sat, I went to attend my cousin’s wedding ceremony which is held in a church at Thomson road.
During the ceremony, they sing some songs to bless the new couple. However, a man who is sitting behind me sings along wif the singer. His voice is so loud until I can’t listen to the the singer la. Totally spoilt the music. Lol!..
After the ceremony, we went to had our buffet.. Haha!..
Celebrating Adam's B'dae
Thursday, September 18, 2008 11:47 AM
17 sep 2008 (wed)
Ytd, we went to celebrate adam’s birthday along wif yong boon, thiam hee, des n wai hsiang. Although, his birthday is on the 14 sep, but coz he had to celebrate wif his parents, so we postpone to ytd. At first we intended to play bowling de, but when we went there, they told us they had a senior citizen competition n the bowling center is available after 6pm. Dotz.. So in the end, we nv play bowling n went to marina square n suntec to walk walk..
Thn later, we walked to bugis n we went to the arcade.. They all went to play a game tat can win a PS3.. Is like stacking up the brick la. Hu can stack until the major prize will win the PS3.. Thiam hee had 2 chance of winning the prize.. He went to the major prize 2 times leh.. But, I tink the computer muz hv done sth de, if nt, everytime up to the last lvl will fail. If nt, nw we can went to his house n play the PS3 liao.. Haha!.. I wanted to play, but I dun hv coins leh.. Haiz!..
After tat, we went to eat steamboat at the ‘house of steamboat’ at bugis. We order 2 types of soups, chicken soup (老母鸡汤) n thai tom yam soup. The foods there was nt too bad esp the fried bun. It was quite gd as thiam hee said.. We took some photos, see below:
2 types of soups tat we order: chicken soup (老母鸡汤) n thai tom yam soup.

Tis photo was taken when immortal adam arrived in earth n landed beside des.. U can see how shocked des is.. Haha!.. Actually, the smoke is from the steamboat la.. Lol..

Wai Hsiang n adam
Had a fun n enjoyable day ytd =)
11:06 AM
16 sep 2008 (tues)
Tis Tuesday, thiam hee n I went to bugis to buy present for adam. When we juz arrived, we met Jeffery. Juz abt to said hi to him, suddenly, a man came forward n asked us whether we are Singaporean.
The man told us tat he had lost his wallet n need some money for him to take transport. He even said we can check on him if we dun believe him. At first, he asked whether we hv a few coin for him. So we took out some coins n giv to him, roughly abt $3. Tat should be enough for him to take train back to his home or make a police report. He still can hv $1 back for the mrt card lor.. Lol!.. Later, he asked whether we had a $2 note, but we ignore. After we given him the $3 coins, he still stared at us n later he asked, “ do u all hv $10 to giv me”.. LOL plus DOTZ!.. Tis is so ridiculous. Ask for $10.. We quickly go away n he also said nvm n walked off. Lol.. Juz stepped to bugis n we met a ‘coner’..
After tat, we had a chat wif Jeffery n went to choose present for adam. We bought a wallet for him.. Haha!.. Hope he like it=) Later, we went to check on the steamboat..
Recieved a Message
Thursday, September 11, 2008 3:25 PM
11 sep 2008 (thur)
Today, I received a new msg from a girl in my friendster.. I do nt know her coz I dun rmb I had a friend’s name same as her.. I went to see her profile, but she didn’t write much about herself.. Lol.. Anyway, I will roughly tell u all wat she had written..
I was going thru for ppl, and I found your place. You appear to be a pretty cool person. I was looking for some friends to play poker online. so, maybe you could come join me! If you're interested, come find me on http://www..............................."
Tis is roughly wat she wrote la n I nv put down the wedsite too.. Lol!.. I had reply to her, let see wat she will write back ba..
3:00 PM
9 sep 2008 (tues)
Tis tues, I went to sch to do my fyp.. We were doing a test tat day.. Testing the effect of diff amt of water tat we had put in. After tat, carol went to meet Mr Tan for her science quiz.. She also asked about our project.. Later, she came back n told us tat Mr Tan said the test we doing can actually dun need to do one.. Coz he actually dun wan to add water in.. Dotz la.. We already done half way le.. However, we still con’t wif it.. Haiz!..
Moreover, she told us tat the company tat at first was interested in our project had closed down.. Nw our project had no more company le.. Dotz dotz dotz!.. The onli good news we heard from her was tat Mr Tan finally return our money for the durian.. LOL!..
When we were testing the water activity, I received a call from my agent. Asking me whether wan to work again in the hotel tis week.. Lol.. I thought onli need to do 1 OJT, but they said tis time is optional and also to let me hv more experience b4 the f1.. Anyway, I told them tat I will cfm wif them later, but till nw they also nv call me back.. Haha!.. So dun care le..
A Bad Day
Monday, September 8, 2008 1:26 PM
7 Sep 2008 (sun)
Hv a very very very bad day ytd.. Went to do a OJT (On Job Training) at a hotel at sentosa being a waiter for a wedding dinner. Juz did our 1 hr training tat afternoon, n the hotel expect us to know everything..
We at first thought tat we went there to experience n train or show us hw they work.. But we went there, they immediately called us to work, nv teach us.. Worst is tat they told us to eat b4 5.30pm, but in the end, they scold until we even didn’t eat our dinner n we had to work till 11pm.. They scold by the whole group, nt individual..
I went to tat hotel wif jun jie and zheng wei.. Juz stepped to tat hotel, we met a crazy guys name chris.. Such a nice name used on tat person.. Dotz.. Scolding to our senior.. Our senior said sorry to him n he still said sorry so wat, con’t to scold.. His English is dam lousy la, lousier thn mine n he is still the captain. Lol!.. Went to the ballroom, met a even high post person.. Same type of person I can say.. Onli know hw to scold, but tis person always like to scold chris thn chris like to scold us.. Lol!.. I tink he is juz want to show his power.. Dotz..
Inside the hotel, I can said tat almost everyone had attitude problem.. Even the uncle in the kitchen washing plate one also can scold us.. We are the lowest rank lor. They should go take EIC.. Lol!.. Luckly I met my partner, wang ran. She teaches me quite a lot, told me wat to do n helped me. If nt, I dunno wat will happen.. Haha!.. She told me almost every hotel she worked, the ppl are like tis one lor.. Hiaz!..
During the dinner time, it was dam busy n tiring.. A bit confusing also as I am the first time doing.. Moreover, their plate n cup are so dirty.. They nv wash properly.. Dotz!.. Tell u 1 eg, I went to take a new cup, I saw a pink stain on the cup. I at first dunno wat is tat, after cleaning the table, thn I realised tat the pink stain is the lady lipstick.. LOL!..
After the work, they nv even said sth gd to us or muz well dun said anything n tat chris bring us to 1 rm n started to scold again.. Lol..
Our work is until 11pm, but if we work OT to 12am or later, they will hv transport to bring us back hm, if nt no.. Actually, we intented to work OT, but after tat, we all decided to leave at 11pm n take our own bus hm.. If nt, I tink tat OT hr, u ready to get scolded for dunno hw many time.. They dun treat us like human lor..
Using my 1 hand, I can count the number of ppl tat are normal or gd.. Using all my hand n leg also cnt count the number of crazy guy there.. Lol.. I can say tat facing such a beautiful scene n happy moment of new couple, we are suffering lor.. Hope tat nt all hotels are like tis..
Pity those waiter working there.. I tink being a normal waiter is much more better thn being a waiter at a wedding dinner..
Celebrating Desmond's b'dae
Sunday, September 7, 2008 10:38 AM
31 Aug 2008 (sun)
Last day of Aug, I went to celebrate des birthday along wif thiam hee n wai hsiang at sakura. It is a buffet style, so we took a lot of foods.. Haha!.. We took pic of the foods, see below.. The first round of foods already made us quite full le. However, we still went for the second round n desserts too.. The foods there were nt too bad. They gt oysters, salmon, scallop etc.. Haha.. We all took the ex staffs..

(des, me, wai hsiang n thiam hee)
After eating, our stomach was like cannot hold any more foods le. Too full liao.. Lol!.. Later, we walked from yio chu kang to AMK hub.We went to the arcade n des went to play basketball.. Wan to see 'jay chou' playing basketball..? Haha.. See below..
Haha!. Onli can take his back..
Last paper
Friday, September 5, 2008 1:36 AM
29 Aug 2008 (fri)
Had my last exam paper (Fd Biotech) on the fri. I had been waiting for tis day as after the paper, I am free from the lecture notes. Haha.. Hope I did well for tis exam=)
After the paper, I went to catch a movie with yong boon, thiam hee, des, adam and wai hsiang. We were watching the Death Race.. Not a bad movie I think. Quite a few exciting parts. Go catch it if u like car racing and so call “car fighting” ba.. However, its rated nc16 la.. Are u 16 and above? Haha..
After the movie, we went to eat our dinner and I order ice aloe vera for my dessert and thiam hee order almond jelly.. When we were eating half way, des asked us whether we had eaten almond in a leaf form and also, in a whole piece.. We were like, huh! almond in leaf form.. I was even thinking how does the almond leaf look like lor, dotz, making me so confuse.. Later thn he realised tat he wanted to say was aloe vera and not almond.. LOL!.. But he repeated the word ‘almond’ 3 to 4 times lor.. Lol.. Anyway, he is quite a funny guys la.. We always like to correct his pronunciation.. Haha!..
Have a nice time after the paper =)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 1:54 PM
23 Aug 2008 (sat)
On 23 Aug, I went to bbq at west coast park and also, celebrating shan shan birthdae tgt. I met a lot of my old friend, adib, mosses, wee yew, wan pin, ling fei, yasmin, kaini, liza and shan shan. Moreover, met some new friends from republic too. Cavin, haikal and david.. Also, 1 emo girl.. LOL.. I dunno her name coz she nv talk on tat day. The whole day she was standing there playing games, Ask her whether she wanna eat and she said dun wan. Nt a while she left le.. Lol..
On tat day, we were having fun.. Tis surely is nt my first bbq, but tis definitely is my first raining bbq sia. When we arrive there, it started to rain sia. Waited for around 30 mins, the rain finally turn small but nv stop. Anyway, the whole day we were bbqing under the rain.. Dotz..
The funniest person on tat day muz definitely be adib. He said a lot of funny and lame staffs, making me laugh until cannot ta han.. Haha!.. I rmb 1 is the black and white joke and the survival thing.
When we were bbqing around half way, we felt tat the rain is getting bigger. At first we thought is ok, but suddenly it became very big. So we quickly run to the shelter. Tat funny adib keep on saying “abandon the base, run for survival”. He even suggested to take the video of our base (bbq pit) and put on you tube… Showing wat happen when bbq in a raining day.. Haha.. Coz we onli take the cake, drinks and cocktails and run and we left all the half cook food under the rain.. No time to pack sia and also, no time to take the video.. LOL!.. But in the end, I still think we having a fun day la plus having adib ard.. Haha!..
Here are some photos we had taken:
Me and shan shan