9-12-2008 (tue)

The dinner was fun and exciting as they still have games and lucky draw. Everyone seems to enjoy themselves on that day. Of course, including me.. Haha!.. Beside dinner, games and lucky draw, there another thing that I think everyone is doing. The photo taking.. LOL!.. Everyone is taking photos at every interval and every part of the ballroom.. LOL!.. Even if the dishes were served, everyone was still taking photos.. Haha!.. Actually, me also.. Lol!..
Anyway, I think we all really had a great and memorable time=)
Let’s see the photos taken on that day ba:
This is the first time I had taken so many photos on a day.. Haha!..
After the dinner, which is about 11pm plus, paul, zhe liang, carol, jeffery and I went to a hotel room that was booked by Mr Ho. We play card, eat and drink over there and jeffery leave ard 3am.
After that, 4 of us went to get something to eat at ard 4am plus at mac and we chatted till 6am plus.. LOL!.. In the end, we went home by mrt. U must be thinking that at that hours there should be no ppl taking train rite?.. Beyond my expectation, the train was so full la. We still have to squeeze. Arrived home and I went to sleep ard 8am.. Dotz..! Should I said good morning or good nite.. Haha!..
27-11-2008 (wed)
In the middle of our last sem, we had our graduation party juz before our mst.. LOL!.. The party last for about 2 hours and there were games and performances from students n lecturers. Miss Leong is one of the lecturers performing.. Haha!.. She sang “U raise me up” wif another lecturer.
After the performance, we went to the stage to take photos.. Haha!..
Photos taken by my friends:
Desmond, yong boon n thiam hee

23-11-2008 (sun)
A day before, we went to celebrate ting wei’s birthday wif thiam hee, kenny, wai hsiang n me. We went to Clarke quay to have a buffet at safar.
After our meal, we heard tat there’s game for us to play.. Haha!.. I called it the “money grabber”. Here is how it’s play:
1. Stand inside a transparent man-made enclose box.
2. Wait until the moneys or vouchers started to fly
3. Grab n win!..
Inside the box are mostly newspaper and some $2 notes n vouchers. In the end, I won myself $12.. Haha!.. My friends also got won, see their video ba..
Ting Wei
Thiam hee
Wai hsiang
After that, we went to marina square to play pool. Our initial ideas are to watch movie and play bowling, but because the timing for the movie doesn’t fix us n we are at the waiting list for the bowling, to save time, we went to play pool.. Lol!..
Anyway, hope she enjoy herself on tat day =)