Campus Concert: Shi Xing Hui n Huang Jin Lun
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 12:55 PM
5-2-2009 (thurs)
Shi Xing Hui n Huang Jin Lun had a campus concert in our school auditorium. Each of them sang ard 4 to 5 songs n both of them together sang一眼瞬间 which is originally sang by Zhang Hui Mei n Xiao Jin Teng..
Took some pictures of them, but not very clear.. Lol!..

Huang Jin Lun n Shi Xing Hui (in the middle)

Shi Xing Hui with the 2 hosts

Assignment @ Changi Airport T3
12:40 PM
1-2-2009 (sun)
Can u believe it?.. We did actually went to changi airport to do our assignment. Lol!.. This is so exaggeration for me. In actual fact, we did really went there to do assignment and also, in the mean time, fetching yang yang back to Singapore too.. Haha!..
Anyway, this is my first time to changi airport. Had a great explore of it.. Lol!.. Hui xian n I went to look around at T3 n we did also went to the viewing mall to see the plane. However, both of us feel like so suan gu la.. zzz..
Took some photos, see below:

Fifth Day of CNY (初五)
12:28 PM
30-1-2009 (fri)
大年初五 (fifth day of CNY), shu wen invited us to go to her house. We had a small bbq n her mum prepared a lot of foods for us.. Also, it looks like I’m the one that keep on cooking the foods for them.. LOL!.. Cooked so many, in the end they complained the food cold le.. zzz!.. Anyway, I enjoyed cooking.. Haha!.. Oh ya shu wen, rmb not to use so many oil to cook the pork as it already has a lot of oil itself..
After that, we went to play some card games n devi keep on wanting to play ‘21’ with money. So we played with her n the amount we bet was really really very small, I mean 5cents.. HAHA!.. We are all the safe safe type one.. LOL!.. In the end, I strikes with 5cents n return back a dollar plus.. Haha!..
After that, I had to leave first as I have to go back to school to take napfa. Heard that after devi took my 5cents buddy, she started to win a lot.. LOL!..
K Box
12:22 PM
23-1-2009 (fri)
That day, shu wen came to sp n 4 of us went to our foodcourt to have our lunch. This was the first time that we sat together n settled our lunch in sp.. Haha!.. After that, we went to k box n due to CNY, the pricing for that day was even higher than normal day.
Anyway, we still enjoyed ourselves.. Haha!.. Next time is our turn to go shu wen school le=) Haha!..