29-3-2009 (sun)
Yesterday, I went to imm and saw Fahrenheit 飞轮海 at there having autograph session. When I went to level 3, I saw big crowds were surrounding the escalator. So I went to join in the fun.
When the crowds saw someone coming down the escalator, they will start to shout and take photos. I remember one incident was that the crowds who were standing in front started to shout, then the crowds behind also follows. I was standing behind and I saw nobody on the escalator, then suddenly a malay lady came down and everybody was screaming la. They thought is Fahrenheit. The malay lady looks so pai sei. Coming down the escalator and so many people were surrounding the escalator like they were waiting for her. Beside that, the malay lady also very funny, she also wave to the crowds and she keep on laughing with her head down.. Haha!..
Anyway, I did take a short video when Fahrenheit just arrived. Not the malay lady btw.. LOL!..
The security blocked the door as the crowds there were too big that I can’t even go out to see them on the stage. Just stayed there for a while then I walked off le. Haiz!.. Took some photos. See below..

See the big crowds (outside the garden plaza).. LOL!..

See the big crowds (inside the garden plaza).. LOL again!..
Can see the stage..? Haha!..
22-3-2009 (sun)
*Party Time*
Finally, we went to the Asia’s biggest observation wheel, Singapore flyer. We supposed be going to the flyer at last year December. And just when we decided the date of this trip, the flyer incident happened and the flyer had close for around 1 month.
Singapore Flyer
Luckily, we still have the chance to go and we took the hippo river taxi at Clarke Quay to the flyer. Along the Singapore River, we can view the historical shophouses and towering skyscrapers.
On the Hippo River Taxi..
When we arrived at the flyer, we went around the place as this is our first time there. After that, we went to popeye for our dinner. Next, is Flyer time.. Haha!..

Our capsule

All of us on the flyer =) (Morning view)

Night view.. Haha!..

20-3-2009 (fri)
On Friday, after training for our 2.4km run, desmond, edmund and I went to our sch guild house to play bowling. This is the first time I went to the guild house.. Haha!.. Anyway, see the pictures that I took ba..

Haha!.. This position looks familiar. I think some sport logo also post this position b4, but i forgot which one le.. Haha!.. Btw, this is desmond.. LOL!..

Took a video while they are playing.. Take a look..
After playing bowling, we went to meet adam and we took photos with Ferrari car.. LOL!..
17-3-2009 (tues)
Last Tuesday, went to celebrate yong boon 21st birthday with thiam hee, adam and desmond. Firstly, we went to watch Dragonball, which I think that the show is quite ok, but still can be more exciting la. Lol!.. After watching, we went to sakura to eat as yong boon wanted to try the norya food that was introduced by sakura recently. Below are the norya foods in sakura.

Norya foods

Norya Kuai

Actually, the taste of the norya foods are so so only, not very delicious. I wonder is this really the skill of yueniang.. Haha!.. Anyway, we dis have a fun time while enjoying our meal.. Took some photos.. See below..

14-3-2009 (sat)
Saturday, went to bugis to search for yong boon’s birthday present. Than I saw the mediacrop advertising the new version of i magazine (i zhou kan) at the bugis junction. I saw the artist guo liang and li teng at the stage playing the game called bi shou hua jiao with some of the audience. Their action was so funny, make until the audience so confusing. Btw, only stay there for a while, than I continue to search for yong boon’s present. In the end, bought a nike wallet for him.. Hehe!.. Hope he will like it..
9-3-2009 (mon) - 11-3-2009 (wed)
This is my very first overseas trip.. Haha!. Before that my furthest destination that I ever went was st. john island.. LOL!.. This time went to a 3 days genting trip with my friends yuan jie, shi hui and thiam hee. The whole journey from Singapore to genting was super long. Around 6 to 7 hours. Luckily, in between the journey the bus did stop for 2 times for us to go toilet and eat. Btw, we saw a super big Da Bao in 1 of the shop and each of us bought 1 to eat. It only cost RM 4, which is around S$1 + . Oh ya, and I was the only one that ate the Da Bao with no egg.. Dotzz!..
Day 1

Btw, the first day I arrived there I fell sick le. Not because of the weather la, I had a sore throat a few days ago le, but eventually, on that day it got worsen. In the end, I can’t eat all the fried food there, if not my second day at genting will not have any voice le. Haiz!..

On the very first day, we went to look around the place and played the haunted house, which a lot of funny thing happened in the haunted house instead of being scared. Around midnight, we went to catch the movie Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li which Singapore haven shown yet. The movie was actually not very nice. Quite boring. However, the price for the movie was quite cheap which only cost RM 11 which is only S$4+ per show. Beside that, they also have Osim chair to sit at a higher rate.. Haha!.. So cool, but we didn’t have the chance to sit la as it all booked le.. Haiz!..
Day 2

On the second day, we went to play all the outdoor and indoor theme park at a price of RM50 and u can play unlimited time. The most scary and “exciting” was the space shot. The first time I played and I was totally stunned at it. When the thing started to come down, I totally felt nothing at my butt although I was actually sitting on it.. LOL!.. I really stunned at it and I actually forgot the feeling, that why I went to sit for the second time. After that, I told myself I will not sit for the third time le for that day.. Zzz!.. The roller coaster was quite ok. Luckily, the queue there were not very long, if not we will waste a lot of time waiting.
As for the indoor theme park, the indoor roller coaster was the one that we played a lot of time. Played until the auntie over there already don’t need to check our ticket le.. Haha!.. Day 2 was the day I laughed until my face was totally numb just because of shi hui keep on shouting and shouting and I keep on laughing and laughing.. LOL!.. She really made my day. A lot of funny thing happened..
Btw, we wanted to go casino, but 3 of us cannot go in, only thiam hee can. Dotz!.. They counted the age by month then we didn’t get the chance to go in. So wasted..
Day 3
Happy moment wall always end very fast and it came to the last day of our trip. We went to play bowling and shop around the first world plaza. We checked out at 12 pm and set off at 3pm. Around 10+ than we reached Singapore.. Lol!.. Such a long journey.. Anyway, it was a fun and exciting trip and hope that we still have the chance to have such an enjoyable trip again.
2-3-2009 (mon)
A day for me to remember..
1-3-2009 (sun)
Sunday afternoon, went to thiam hee’s house to help him carried his bbq stuffs to east coast park with des as that day was a celebration to his 21st birthday!..
However, when we about to reach east coast park, the sky started to rain and we alighted at a place where there is no shelter. In the end, 3 of us got stuck in a telephone booth with all the bbq stuffs.. Dotzzz!.. We stuck there for almost 2 hours until a kind lady approached us and lend us 2 umbrellas to let us find a nearest shelter. Unfortunately, even we had the umbrellas; we still ended up wet as the rain was too heavy le.. zzz!..