12-5-2009 (tue)
U know what, I received 2nd enlistment letter. I was surprised when I saw the letter. When I open it, it said that my enlistment day had been postponed.. Haha!.. However, for 3 days, which mean my enlistment date is now 16 jun.. DOTZ!.. Why not 3 months.. Lol!.. Anyway, is still the same for me la..
12-5-2009 (tue)
Around afternoon, we meet up with miaow guan, devi, and wee yew and we went to west mall to eat sushi at sakae sushi. We had a great time chatting and our topic is mostly on devi, which going to engage next year.. LOL!
7-5-2009 (thurs)
Early afternoon went to school to play badminton, but went we went there, the badminton court were fully booked.. Dotz.. In the end, we went to library to play game.. Haha!.. After that, went to meet up with yuan jie, shi hui and thiam hee at liang court for dinner. This is the first time I saw yuan jie and shi hui ever since that time we went to genting.
After that, we walked to city hall and eat desserts at xin wang hong kong cafe.

This is what shi hui ordered, which is japanese mochi.. When this dish was served, we were all surprised by the portion. The size is smaller than shi hui's hand.. Lol!.. This dish cost $5.90.
Yuan jie ordered a pot of beancurd. When her dish was served, we were shocked by the portion again. The pot is bigger than we thought. See the size of both dishes, both all cost $5.90.. LOL!..
5-5-2009 (tues)
Tuesday, yong boon, desmond and I went to watch knowing at amk hub. This is the first time yong boon went to amk hub although he live so near to amk.. Lol!..
Back to the movie. The movie was actually quite a good show and the story line was quite new and interesting too. The story was about a class who was asked by their teacher to draw out what they think 50 years later the world will look like. Then a girl wrote out a whole page of number instead of drawing.
50 years later, this piece of paper went to Nicolas cage (actor) and he found out that all the number are representing the date, number of people dead and the place of the disasters that had and will happen. And he was trying to stop that from happening. However, in the end, all the people in the earth die as the sun emit a very strong uv- ray to the earth. (this is the part which I don’t like)
Lol!.. I also heard from the new that 2012 around September, the sun also emit a very strong uv-ray to the earth and they said many people will die. Lol!.. So is the movie showing the future.. LOL!.. Hope this will not happen to us.. Haha!..
4-5-2009 (mon)
Went to rent our graduation robe at poton parsir, after that, we went to chinatown to eat the famous claypot rice. Paul also went to order some seafood dishes. Haha!.. After that, we went to a dessert store where he said that their desserts are very nice. Sat there and chit chat. After that, we went to a disc shop to shop.
2-5-2009 (sat)
Although escape had opened for so so so long le, but this is my first time going there.. Haha!.. Went there with desmond, thiam hee and jia keng.
At first I thought escape is big and quite a lot of things to play, but we only use half of the day to play finish almost all the facilities. Lol!.. Plus, on that day, 2 facilities were under maintenance and the indoor roller coaster is not operating anymore. Dotz!.. There’s not much left to play le.
However, we did have a fun day playing the pirate ship and the inverter.. Haha!.. Oh ya, and the wild wet or wet wild. Forgot the name le.. LOL!..

30-4-2009 (thurs)
Last thurday, went to watch x-men, the origin of wolverine with yong boon, adam and jia keng at vivo city, but heard that cathay is giving free pop corn and drink. Wanted to go cathay, but don’t know why cathay does not show x-men this movie. So in the end, went to gv max.
We went to eat carl’s jr before the movie as Jia keng saw the picture showing all the burger in very big size. However, when the burger came, it was smaller than we thought. LOL!.. This was our first time eating too.
As for the show, it was quite ok too. Although it was featuring the past of wolverine, but it do not let us feel bored as compare to the street fighter, chun-li that movie. After watching the movie, I was wondering what material were the metal claws of wolverine made of as it can cut through everything.. Lol!.. Also, didn’t expect that before the metal claws, the claws of wolverine were actually his own bones.
27-4-2009 (mon)
Last Monday, went to school to play badminton with yong boon, adam, desmond, jia keng and edmund. This time we played badminton for almost 5 hrs.. Lol!.. And don’t know is it we played for too long or I using too much force, the string of my badminton racket had broken. Dotz.. Have to go change a new one.
25-4-2009 (sat)
Finally, received the letter for enlistment. My enlist date is 13 jun, which I never expected it to be that early. Anyway, since it already confirm, the only way is to accept it. And I just think the bright side, go in early and come out early.
Moreover, after ns and before going to university, maybe I can go overseas 1 more time to enjoy. This time may go to further place, like Taiwan.. Haha!..
24-4-2009 (fri)
Morning, went to school to play games. After that, we went to grand cathay to watch 17 again with yong boon, adam, desmond and jia keng. Never intended to watch this after we watched the trailer when we watch fast and furious 4, we found it quite nice so we decided to watch it.
After watching it, I found the movie was really very funny. It was the second movie that really made everyone laughs. The first one was kungfu panda. Didn’t really know that it was actually a comedy movie after we watched it. It was a nice show. Anyway, if the movie is still showing, go watch it. It really makes u laugh.
22-4-2009 (wed)
We rented our bike and the journey begins. Not after a while, we ride to a place with a lot of mud and I bet there should have mudskipper. Haha!.. And I was right. This is my first time seeing the mudskipper, but when I get near to it, they started to jump into the water. Anyway, took some pictures of the mudskipper. Are u able to locate where they are?..

We went to the west of the island first and we went to find the quarry which is hardly to find in Singapore too. We really had a hard time finding the quarry.

After a while, jia keng saw a black colour thing ran across him. It’s the wild boar. Yong boon and adam saw the backside of it. By the time I went to see the boar, it was gone.. Dotz!.. They said it ran very fast, that why yong boon and adam only see its back.. LOL!..

I felt that riding in pulau ubin was really different from riding in sentosa or east coast. It’s full of surprises as u does not know what the route will be in front of u. Is it a slope down or up, but when everyone of us saw a slope up in front of us, we were all sian diao as it was really tiring riding up the slope. Everyone of us started to have the energy and said “chong” before riding up the slope, but when I saw how we struggled in the end it really make me laugh and cry.. Haha!..
Moreover, the environment was different too. All the trees, grass, quarry and not many people there too. We can cycle freely on our own. Although we felt tired, but we really had a nice day.
18-4-2009 (sat)
After planning for almost a month, keep on changing here and there to suit most of the people. Finally, we come to a decision and have a gathering at wee yew’s house, where it has been a long time we meet each others le.
For that day, wee yew will settle the foods and we suggested ordering pizza. So he told me he ordered 8 pizzas and he will cook some chicken wings. I thought we could finish it, but when we arrived there than we realised that the pizzas he ordered were the biggest size. LOL!.. We really had a hard time finishing it as almost half of us were girls, and their appetites were not that big.

After eating, we went to look back our class photos and see how much we had changed.. Haha!.. I think I’m the one that change the most ba.. Haha!.. Than we chit chat about the school time, chatting about the teachers and what we did during the past. Thinking back, some of our action are still so childish.. LOL!.. Btw, that is part of our life, being childish.. Haha!..
Nevertheless, adib is still the joker for that day. Keep on saying some lame stuffs and jokes. Anyway, because of him, the laughter for that day had become bigger.. Hope we will meet up more often =)

Front: Adib, wee yew, mosses and me
Back: Devi, amy, wan pin, mandy and hui xian